"Vacation, all I ever wanted..."

Friday, Aug. 16, 2002 07:02

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Mmmmm. Last day at work before vacation.

I can guarantee a couple of things about the coming week off:

First, Hubband and I will have at least one big fight. This is only due to the fact that we (he) will drive each other (me) crazy with that much togetherness.

Second, we will spend way, way too much money. This is only due to the fact that ten consecutive days of "Mom, can I have...?" tend to make one loopy.

Third, we will accomplish little of our "To-Do" list. Because it's a vacation, dammit.

Actually, the plan is to make me a work space in the basement so I can actually use some of my art stuff instead of just buying it and putting it in the closet.

Yes, folks. She will coexist with spiders for her art. It's these kinds of sacrifices that make me a better person.

Last night I totally forgot Hubband was going bowling and wouldn't be home at his usual time. Which really bummed me since I had planned to bolt for the grocery store the minute he walked in the door.

(Can you tell that the sweet Boy is getting on my last nerve?)

Just a little tiny bit of alone time, that's all I was craving.

And the kids that were crying/whining/screaming through Walmart on Tuesday had relocated to the Kroger store last night.

I am forever grateful that Boy has grown past that stage. I can remember when going to the store was an iffy proposition at best. It wasn't fun.

Boy was particularly upset yesterday because he seems to have lost his Spider-man game for his GameBoy Advance. His $40 game. Doesn't know where it went. The stupid things are so tiny, it's not a wonder. Except that I bought him a special Spider-man carrying case to put them in!

Ugh! These men! Put it back where you got it from and it won't be lost!!!!

A public service announcement brought to you by Caribou.

Yesterday I had one piece of pizza. Just one. Don't know that I've ever done that before. And the cool part is they screwed up the order and gave us four pieced instead of two. So Boy had one and I had one and there were two left over. In the bag. Next to me. In the car. And I never touched them. I brought them home and put them in the fridge and Hubband ate them when he got home.

Also, I made one of my favorite things for dinner and split it with Boy. Meaning I ate about half of what I usually do. Know what?? It was more than enough.

This is why I rock!

(Do NOT think of the Hostess Cupcakes in the cupboard. Avert your mind. Carrots are good, yes!)

It is thundering and dark outside but still no rain. This is what it's done all summer. Not even one scary cool summer storm.

I'm kind of hoping it rains tomorrow because I don't really want to go to this party after all and they'll cancel if it rains. Kareoke (sp?) is not my bag. I am not of the lovely voice and inhibitions. I am of the Tone-Deafness and "They're all going to laugh at you."

Hubband was really pissed when he found out the weather was predicting rain. I think he's looking forward to a night of drunken stupidness with his friends. I, on the other hand, get to be designated driver and feel like I'm three times the size of every other woman there.

Must squash that negativity. It would probably be fun.

Crap! Look at the time. Must run into the next room and kiss my Boy awake. (Should probably brush my teeth first.) I want to get to work soon so I can leave that much sooner. (But looking at the clock? That won't happen.)

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