Vacation - Day Three

Monday, Aug. 19, 2002 09:34

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Well, the Kareoke (how do you spell that word) did, indeed, get cancelled. (Proving, once again, the power of prayer.) As we had a sitter already, I thought this would be a great time to catch a movie or something. Nope. We ended up over at the Principal's house with a good number of the other guests. It worked out well because the boys were able to watch the Lions on TV (Go, Joey, Go!) while us ladies chatted.

Unfortunately, I tend to get a little nervous around these people. It's got more to do with our history than our personalities. So I tend to grease my anxiety with copious amounts of alcohol. Then, being worse for the wine, I tend to start hitting on Principal's cigarettes (because he's the only person we know who smokes the brand I used to smoke). The result is a scathing hangover.

Oh, well. I haven't done that in a year or so. I was smart enough to take some ibuprofen when I woke in the wee hours, head splitting, and move to the sofa to alieviate some of the sinus pressure.

Last evening we had birthday dinner at the Sister-In-Law's. Yum. I ate way too much (Jeez she served so much food) and came away feeling bloated. I spent the rest of the evening lying on the sofa watching a movie ("Big Eden"). I crawled into bed next to Hubband at 10:30 and we slept until we couldn't sleep anymore.

Today? It's cool and raining! Whoo-hoo! Basement cleaning is on the agenda. Basement cleaning in preparation for my craft area! I'm so excited. Better get to it!

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