Weird Dreams, Porn and Bookmarks

Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2002 06:56

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I feel good this morning. I had weird dreams last night, but had a good night's sleep anyway. I dreamt I was working in a local grocery with the boys from *NSYNC and an old friend of ours and I think my sons former music teacher. I had trouble balancing or something and couldn't close up the store until way later than I should have. I kept telling everyone to go on and I was fine, but I didn't have my own car for some reason. Everyone was offering help but I kept trying to call Hubband, but kept dialing the wrong number. I thought I would be putting them out if I asked for a ride. Finally, after it was very late and I was about to walk home in my suite and heels, I remembered that my friend lived not far from me and I had many times previously taken her drunken ass home so I asked for a ride. I crawled into bed with Hubband and we talked, then slept. The bad part of all of this was that I had kept everyone at work so late because the next day we were all supposed to be at a party at Michael Jackson's house (which seemed like some sort of family party, wedding or open house) and we all ended up being late because of me.

Imagine having to apologize to the King of Pop for one's tardiness!

I think it had a lot to do with Jim's entry about dancing. The grocery store reference is just because I need to go and am having problems fitting it into my schedule. I think I thought about the old friend because I had been thinking of a mutual friend of ours lately and also because of Jim Shea's grandfather, who lived to be 91 and was taken out by a drunk driver. (The old friend used to drink - a lot!) The part about having no ride and having to walk home in the dark came from "Monster's Ball".

Oh, and right before bed I saw one of the Chili's commercials with our boys from *NSYNC chiming away in their harmoneous manner.

Just thought you'd like to know...

Speaking of "Monster's Ball"...I can't really say I liked this movie. I certainly can appreciate a lot of things about it, the acting performances are among some of the best I've seen in awhile. Although, surprisingly, I thought Ms. Berry's performance was the weakest of the lot. She seemed a little over the top to me. As always, my Oscar goes to my man Billy Bob. He is so subtle. Heath Ledger was great (you didn't even know he was in that did you?) and Peter Boyle really should have gotten a best supporting nod.

Aside from all of this, I have two complaints:

1) This is an old complaint, however still valid: What is the fascination with vomit that directors seem to have these days? I don't know anyone who gets sick as much as people in movies and I know some people with pretty weak stomachs.

2) Please give me some credit for having an imagination and being able to figure things out on my own. If I want to see porn, I have ample opportunity to do so. Please do not wrap it up under the guise of the storyline and call it "art".

However, I was pleased to note that Halle Berry is not perfect. She has stretch marks just like the rest of us. And Billy Bob is one hairy little mutha.

I can't say that I recommend it. It left me feeling much the same way as "In The Bedroom". (Which, btw, I thought had much better performances and was a more interesting movie, if a little long and slow.)

What is it that Hollywood must make these depressing tragic stories? What happened to the light-hearted romantic comedy? (And I mean the good one, not that "Kate and Leopold" crap.) I guess I'm just getting old and republican. I think there's enough tragedy in the real world.

To that end, Hubband and I are going to try to catch both "Gosford Park" and "Lord of the Rings". I wasn't going to bother with "...Rings" because I could never get through the book (fantasy not really up my ally) but now they've gone and nominated it for a bunch of crap so I have to go.

Speaking of crap, I was glad to see "Buffy" returning to something of a reasonable story line. Did anyone but me notice that at no time did she and Spike sneak of to some cozy wall and do the nasty? Sure, they talked about it, but they didn't do it, did they?

Now if she would just turn around and smack that Dawn right in the face and tell her to stop her damned whining, we'd all be in a better place!

While watching my Tuesday night shows (I tape "Gilmore Girls" and watch it between "Buffy" and "Real World". Yes, I know I'm pathetic. What of it?) I made some bookmarks for some of my work friends. I also made the Hubband's valentine. I has stopped at the Stamping Grounds yesterday, as planned, and found a cool cube stamp with a lipstick print, two different shoes, and a pair of sunglasses on it. I thought this would work well with the dress stamp I bought at the class. This particular store has some of the coolest stamps I've ever seen. And they've been around forever so I know they're not going anywhere.

This is definately an addiction, but it kept me from eating last night, so that's a good thing.

BTW: If you would like me to fashion you a bookmark, drop me an email with your address and I'll send you one.

Well, I had a nice philisophical, introspective entry planned but I've run out of time. I must hurry the boy along so I can get to work. I have an eye doctor appointment this evening and will need to get out at a decent hour.


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