What Day Is This?

Friday, Aug. 23, 2002 13:28

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Saw this guy last night. Great concert. Unfortunately, he was the opener (for Bonnie Raitt ~ also fantastic and amazingly beautiful) so we had to contend with the multitudes of people strolling in and out of their seats. It's not like it's background music, people! I paid good money to see this guy.

We were lucky to have Bonnie Raitt join Mr. Lovett for a few tunes. That meant we didn't have to feel guilty about ditching her show. I have nothing but respect and admiration for Ms. Raitt, but we came to see Lyle. We spent some time sitting out on the patio while Hubband finished his beer and then went to dinner at the Clarkston Cafe. After a nice dinner (if incredibly overpriced) we went for a little walk by the mill pond. It was a beautiful evening.

Came home to find Big Boy and the Girl canoodling in his room while Little Boy was tucked in, but still asleep. I'm sure it was pretty innocent, as every light in the house was on and the door wide open, but kids will be kids. We didn't say anything, just went on into the living room and waited for them to join us. And when they did, we were well into "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" on AMC.

Shouldn't look to us as an example.

Today is one of those days where Hubband has a list of things he wants to do and I would just rather plant my fanny in my "office" to do more stamping. I'm sure he'll win out. We'll end up doing a ton of errands and running in and out of a bunch of stores. It will make a beautifully cool summer day into a hot, sweaty afternoon. Then we're having dinner with Soakers later this evening. Nice and all, but...I crave me some down time.

This has not been the best week for me to try to lose some weight. I'm constantly tempted by thoughts of dessert foods. And Hubband seems to be into the whole "going out for a nice dinner" again. Eating out most every day. Which is fine, because I don't feel like cooking.

I'm looking forward to getting back into a routine. Probably weeks away yet. Next week school starts but is then interrupted by the holiday.

I need a vacation from my vacation.

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