Whatever kind of mood I'm in, this is it

Saturday, Jan. 26, 2002 10:12

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Well, I posted my resume' on three of the top online job sites. I applied for over half a dozen jobs and sent my resume' to my friend who has a friend.

I'm just kicking back waiting for the offers to pour in.

One of the sites actually asks you to describe your ideal job. Hmmmm...

My ideal job would involve sitting at a computer for eight hours a day, not being on call, not having to interact with other human beings except to gossip, lots of out of state training trips to cool cities and a nice fat paycheck at the end of it all.

Sign me up!

Actually, I'm glad I can afford to be both more and less choosy than I was when looking for this job. I don't have to worry about finding something "permanent" or "full-time". Contract work is just fine. But I can also wait for the right thing. The interesting job. The fun job.

Of course, knowing me, I'll jump at the first thing that comes along.

I just hope something comes along.

I had weird dreams last night. Scary Oedipal dreams. Dreams in which I was with my father and we were in various states of undress. We were doing normal things, cooking actually, just sometimes I had my shirt off and sometimes he was all naked. Very icky. There was also an old family friend in the dream that I haven't seen in probably 20 years. Bizzare!

Then, when I woke up, my Dad called.


I had planned to go to the gym today, but my uterus had other plans. It planned to have me making trips to the bathroom every half hour while I slowly bleed to death.

You know that thing that happens when women work together and their cycles all get synched up? I think it's happening here on D'land.

Just in case you wanted to know.

Today Hubband and Little Boy are getting their hairs cut. Then they're going to rent the rug shampooer and shampoo the carpets. We are having couples over for Super Bowl and he's digusted by the mess they made of our carpet during the last party we had.

Whatever. I'd prefer to have him clean up after the company, but whatever.

While he's doing that I'm going over to my Mom's to find out if I can make our old printer work at her house. She swears it's because it knows we've moved it to another house, but whatever.

I say whatever a lot don't I. Just the kind of mood I've been in.

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