What to do, What to do...

Saturday, Jul. 06, 2002 10:10

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This is one of those weekends that illustrates some of the intrinsic differences between Hubband and me. (Caribou, if you're going to use the big words, make sure you know how to spell them.) Anyway...

We have this entire two days full of ... NOTHING! I mean, all family obligation is dealt with. Boy birthday is over and his money is even spent. The weather is divine. I even look good since I've been to the hair dresser at 8:00 this morning. We've wined and dined Grandma twice this weekend so we're truly not obligated to do that even.

What to do?

Caribou: Let's go somewhere. Let's just get in the car and point it at a direction and not stop until we find someplace interesting with a hotel and a pool.

Hubband: Not without a plan. I have a list of things I could do but don't have to if you want to go somewhere, but not without a plan.

Party pooper. Take all the fun out of it why don't you.

If not for the fact that he spent the ENTIRE day alone with Boy yesterday, I would broach the subject of running off alone for the weekend. Considering the fact that I am in the throes of PMS right now, that might fly anyway.


Ever send one of those emails that you thought was a good idea at the time and in hindsight regret? I think I was a little harsh on my friend yesterday. What I hoped would be one of those life-changing reality checks might just have been construed as mean. Hope you take it in the way it was intended, Sweetums.

I stopped at Target on the way home from my hair appointment. They have all their wedding do dads on sale. (Like that wasn't a stupid idea. I don't really think of Target as a source of wedding supplies, do you? Apparently not, since they're dumping the stuff.) I had checked with CoWorker Friend before the holiday and she gave me the thumbs up to purchase little individual bubbles and clear boxes with silver ribbons (for the favours). Fun, fun, fun.

Work so sucked yesterday. BossMan decided to take the whole day off and there were only about 6 people total that decided to actually show up. The damned cafeteria was even closed on Mac N Cheese day. (Dammit).

The concert last night was okay. Nana was in a particularly cranky mood and I guess I was, too. (See earlier PMS reference.) Then the weeks worth of poor eating decided to bombard my system and I started to really feel yucky. The drunken morons were less entertaining than usual and the one in front of me had me flashing back to some of the losers my Dad would bring home. Ugh. And then he kept FARTING.

We left halfway through the main act, having seen most of what we came there for anyway. I was happy to be home in bed by 11pm and even got a chance to kiss the Boy on the head before he dropped off for the night.

Well, I'm boring myself so I think I'll go lay down and think about what we can do this weekend.

I'm dwelling on a trip to the outlet mall in Birch Run, but I somehow don't think that will be fun for the boys.


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