I'm dreaming of a white christmas only in my neighborhood

Sunday, Dec. 23, 2001 23:48

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I have twice had full entries written today only to have them blown away.

We bought a new computer last night and I had some configurations in my dial-up set wrong. This apparently caused the computer to try to answer the phone everytime it rang. Not a good sound on the other end. So I had to shut it down in order to answer the phone, then reboot it and fix it.

Then I had an entry written tonight and I couldn't upload it to d'land.

I'm hoping it's the site having one of its spells and not XP ****ing with me. As we are not geek enough here to actually order our PC's online and have them built to our specs, we are forced to let people at Circuit City supply us.

So now I'm on my 3rd entry and not even close to feeling like being here.

But I just wanted to tell Roadie, I'm sorry about the snow. It's pretty, but not worth your not spending the holidays with your loved ones.

Must sleep.

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Very, Very, Very Busy - Saturday, Dec. 02, 2006

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