"Bottle O' Wine, Fruit O' The Vine"

Wednesday, May. 15, 2002 06:59

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I forgot to mention one of the best parts of my Mother's Day! Little Boy made me a present at school. It's a marigold in a little ceramic cup that he decorated himself. How can I tell he decorated it himself? Because it has Spiderman all over it, Silly! And Spiderman says, : "I would risk my life for you."

Isn't that just the sweetest thing? This boy loves his Mama. As it should be.

I think I'm over my small bout with depression. Hubband was worried about me. I think it was a combination of several things, mostly the running out of my medication right at the onset of PMS. But it's also the stress at work and the putting on this huge party (which is turning out to be bigger and badder that the Christmas gig.)

Anyway, I'm finding the wine thing to be soothing. I bought some pretty blue wine goblets yesterday (as before I only had champagne flutes) and a couple of new bottles of wine. One was from a vinyard upstate where we vacationed once. Quite sweet. Turns out these new glasses are honking big, too. Got myself a little faced last night. Amazingly, I have little symptom of hangover. Mild headache that will disappear with the hot shower I'll be taking here shortly.

I'll give you a few minutes to ponder that.......


I did accomplish quite a lot yesterday. I got more garden flowers, ordered the cake, returned the blinds, bought the remaining paper goods and the helium tank for the balloons. I also signed up Little Boy for his summer latch key program. It will be at a new school this year with only 4th, 5th and 6th graders. Should be interesting for him.

As predicted, we'll be getting our air conditioning next week, right? Snow in the forcast for Saturday.

This better be the damned end of it because I really think we are owed some decent weather for this party.

Of course, we could be getting all that rain, too. So I guess I should count myself lucky and just put on my parka, huh?

I kind of want to get out of here early this morning and get to work. I'd like to work a couple of extra hours today and get out early tomorrow. I'm working Thursday so I can take Friday off. Big Boy's prom is Friday and we want to capture the whole limo thing on film. I also have to be there because it's going on my credit card. But, since I'm doing someone else's project, I don't so much mind work. It's a huge project full of mundane tasks so it makes the day go by faster.

But in order for it to go by, it must begin!

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