A Weekend's Work

Sunday, Apr. 07, 2002 19:46

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Look what I did! All by myself! Do you like it?

Okay, I did get some help from Mimi, unbeknownst to her, because I kind of liked her design so much I...well...didn't actually steal it. I just sort of used it as a jumping off point. (I would say her design is my favorite of all the pages I've seen so far!)

That's what I've been doing most of the weekend. Teaching myself HTML through the trial and error (cuss and swear) method. I figured if Spring wouldn't come to me, I'd create it myself.

It's been busy week and I'll be ever so glad to drop Little Boy off with his lunch tomorrow and wave goodbye! Based on my trip to the grocery store, I'd say there were other mom's feeling the same way. It's been awhile since I heard that much whining.

My mom and I went to the movies yesterday. She's had a rough week, what with the birthday and Grandma being a stubborn pain-in-the-ass. (We do come by it naturally, us Morgan women!) She wanted to take Grandma to look at the new Sr. Living apartments and Grandma refuses to go. She's just not going to move. Says she likes it there. (Even though this is the place she was complaining about just last week.) Based upon what Mom told me about their conversation, I think she might be worried about using up all her savings and not having anything left to leave my Mom when she dies. She shouldn't be worried about that. Mom made her situation and we'll deal with what to do when the time comes. It'll be up to us to take care of her - not my grandma.

I hate this crap.

Friday was a nightmare at work. Slow like death and no CoWorker Friend or JB to help ease the boredom. I made it through most of the day before getting into an argument with TG. Stupid, defensive work stuff. I think we'll be okay. At least with me, he knows what he's doing to piss me off.

Hubband had taken the day off and headed downtown to The Copa for the Tiger's home opener, but he surprised me by being home early. Seems he just isn't the type to enjoy drinking for twelve hours, elbow to elbow with every male in southeastern Michigan between the ages of 16 and 106.

Oh. Did I mention how bad the Tigers suck right now? That didn't help.

He lost track of his buddies at some point and was feeling lousy anyway (baseball in the snow will do that for you!) so he just booked home early. In bed by 9:30. I don't think we'll make the same plans for next year.

Saturday we all got up early and headed down to meet my friend and her hubby and toddler for breakfast. Hubband was initially on the crabby defensive because the place was lined up out the door. He just wasn't into repeating the previous day's activities. But we were seated relatively quickly and the servers were friendly and attentive.

The food? Yummmmmm.

I had the whole wheat waffle. Hubband had an omelete that looked more like a souffle'. Little Boy had chocolate chip pancakes (made the correct way, with the chips inside the pancakes and not just thrown on top at the last minute.)

My friend had this thing called "The Big Apple". It's some kind of huge apple/cinnamon/danish thing that was bubbling and sizzling so much when the brought it to the table, I thought it was ALIVE! It looked and smelled delectible - and I don't even like cooked apples! Then the server comes back and drops a huge scoop of cinnamon ice cream on top. OMIGOD! And, even though there was easily enough to serve six people, she ate the whole damned thing! Ugh.

(Said the woman who just finished six servings of Macaroni & Cheese.)

It was nice to get together. Neither of us had met the other's spouse or kids so that was a treat. Nice company and good food. Great way to start the weekend.

The rest of the weekend we've spent doing mostly nothing. I caught "High Crimes" yesterday with my mom. (Morgan Freeman. Love Him!) Hubband took Little Boy to the movies today to see "Clockstoppers". (Little Boy seemed unimpressed but Hubband liked it and bought the soundtrack already.)

I went on a mini shopping spree. I needed some new shoes - my annual pair of Keds and some new gym shoes. I also needed a new bathing suit as I found out hanging a suit for several weeks allows the chlorine to eat through the delicate fabric. I found one at Target that looks like it might do. It was about 1/4 the price of the other one I found that I liked.

I also swapped out some of my winter "decor" for the lighter tones that signal spring and summer.

The Weather Guy says it's supposed to be sunny and 65 degrees on Thursday. If it is I'll be wearing my capri pants with the beaded fringe and my new Keds. I will be so cute I'll barely be able to stand it.

I'll believe it when I see it, though!

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